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Know others - know yourself

If you have a job interview in the next few days, you should continue to research some crucial informations about the recruitor, because this could be your secret weapon throughout the interview!

Thorough research about the company is one of the best way to become the most stand-out candidate in the recruiting process. By applying a detective's research-and-analyze method on the recruitor, you will find more informations about them to better prepare for the interview.

You may wonder "Why should I look for informations about the company?". The first reason, you can only know what the company need from you through researching. Then you can prepare yourself for the questions and proof that you're the number one candidate.

So if you really want the job, don't forget to look into these 7 tips for applicants!

1. Valuable skills and experiences

First, you need to know what the company is looking for in an applicant. This will allow you to realize what valuable things you're going to bring to the company.


2. "Key players" of the company

"Key players" are those in charge of crucial positions in the company. Those can be HR managers, branch directors, especially CEO or Chairman of the Board. 

You can know who are the key players in the organization by looking into the "About us" section and employees' informations. Another great idea is to search for info on social media pages such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twittter, etc... to know what these people say about their workplace.   

3. Hot news and recent events

Before going to a job interview, updating all the hot news about the company is the right way to proceed.

Almost every companies have a section on their website to share press releases and news about recent events or activities. This is a prefect place to search for important, official and accurate informations.

4. Company's culture, missions and values

Applicant should say that they fit perfectly with the company's culture in any interview. In fact, a research by Millennial Brading have shown that 43% professional recruitors believe that culture compatibility is the most important fator a candidate needs to put forth during interviews.

Khi nghiên cứu về nhà tuyển dụng, hãy chú ý đến những gì họ viết trên website về sứ mệnh và giá trị cốt lõi. Bạn cũng có thể tìm hiểu thêm về văn hoá công ty bằng cách theo dõi các trang mạng xã hội hay hội nhóm trực tuyến của họ. When researching about the company, notice carefully what the y write on their website about the company's missions and core values.

5. Customers, products and services

As a potential employee, you need to be aware of the kind of work you're going to be doing if hired. By having an overview of the customers target and segment, along with the products and services providing by the company, you are well equipped to pass the interview round.

Researching on the website help cadidates know what the company is selling. Furthermore, read the blogs, stories or company's reports to better understand their achivements.

6. “The hidden truth"

In order to help job seeker prepare thoroughly for job interviews, websites like CareerBuilder or Glassdoor have created tools to dig deeper into internal informations - things that cannot be found on official website - about the company. 

By using these websites, you can find info such as salary statistic, employee's positions and tasks, company's review, details about recruiting process and more.

7. Interviewer

Cuối cùng, bạn nên cố hết sức tìm ra ai là người phỏng vấn. Điều này tạo cho bạn lợi thế trong buổi phỏng vấn bởi bạn sẽ có cơ hội kết nối tốt hơn với người đối diện và mang đến một cuộc trò chuyện thật ý nghĩa, đầy ấn tượng. Finally, you should try your best to find out who is your interviewer. This gives you advantages in your interview, because you will have a better chance connecting with the interviewer and a more meaningful, yet impressive, conversation.

Finding out who will interview you is a difficult task, however, applicant can know their name through some minor researches. First, look for that name in emails and conversations related to the job. If there is none, reply politely and ask for that person's name. 

Một khi đã có được tên người phỏng vấn, hãy làm một đợt nghiên cứu trên Linked In, Facebook và các trang mạng xã hội. Thao tác này sẽ cho bạn một cái nhìn nền tảng về người phỏng vấn, vị trí và phạm vi quản lý của họ trong công ty và thậm chí là cả những mối quan tâm hay sở thích tương đồng cả hai cùng chia sẻ. Once you know who will interview you, do a research on LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media pages. This gives you a clear view over the interviewer: their positions and management authority in the company and even the hobbies that you two share. 

These are 7 tips we recommend every candidate look carefully into before going to any job interview. Are there any thing else you would like to add? Please share with CareerBuilder Việt Nam!

  Source: Glassdoor


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